

Well, here I am finally taking control of my life.
I've seen so many inspirational videos online featuring Tony Robbins, Elizabeth Gilbert, Oprah, Regena ThomashauerGabrielle BernsteinGlennon Doyle MeltonDr. Shefali Tsabary

Well, let me also share some of my al time favorite clips ever featuring Elizabeth Gilbert:
1.Your elusive creative genius | Elizabeth Gilbert
2.Success, Failure and the Drive to Keep Creating | Elizabeth Gilbert | TED Talks
3.Elizabeth Gilbert & Marie Forleo on Fear, Authenticity and Big Magic

You can click on any of the names and some videos I've been loving lately will pop up and I promise things will happen for you.

I'm sharing these in black and white because it takes me a lot less to edit them and because black and white is my thing! Also, I'm very tired to pull an all-nighter tonight so I'm going to scroll the internet some more now, take some notes for tomorrow and go to sleep. At 8am I am meeting the team for coffee. Also, I haven't mentioned this before but I'm working at Nokia. This past week I got more involved at work and things are starting to shift towards better and better lately. I've had a hard past year so now I'm cheering up for myself more than ever I guess. So make sure you follow my adventures! Also, I've been filming here and there but I don't have a clear idea of want I want but I keep experimenting. So if you have any ideas or would like to see something specific, please let me know! Take care!

Wearing Zara pants, Pull&Bear parka, Bershka man shirt, Musette heels.

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